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Returns and Cancellations FAQ

I would like to cancel my order.

We are sorry to hear that! However, at Styles by MM, we believe that customer satisfaction is our top priority. We allow early cancellations for orders. Once an order is placed, you have 24 hours to cancel the order from the time of booking, and we will refund you the money. In the event of cancellation, your payment will be returned to you within 14 business days.

The colour of the dress I ordered, is not what was showing on my screen?

While we have made every effort to display the colors of the products on the site as accurately as possible, we cannot guarantee that your monitor or screen’s display of any color will be completely accurate, as computer monitors and screens of electronic devices vary.

My order was damaged when I received it, what can I do now?

We are sorry to hear that the order received was damaged. If this happens to you, we will need you to reach out to your customer care team within 24 hours of receiving the order. We will require you to take images and videos of the damaged garment and the courier box it was delivered to you.

The customer is required to inspect the product immediately upon delivery and shall, within 24 hours from such delivery, give notice in writing to Styles by MM and Courier Company by email, by any matter whereof the customer may allege that the product is not by the order.
If the customer fails to give such notice, the goods will be deemed to be as per the order, and the customer shall be deemed to have accepted the goods accordingly.

What are Styles by MM policy for Return or Exchange?

We at Styles by MM believe in customer satisfaction. Therefore, each order is customized based on your size to give you a better experience. Hence, we do not offer any return on exchange.

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